Just nicked this off Kew's facebook page. We anticipate full frontal odoriforous assault in the next few days, stay tuned
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a handsome man in possession of a plethora of horticultural knowledge, must be in want of a small Greek pastry.
Leaving your big one aside for the moment, I thought I was getting the hang of this Facebook business which enables me to keep track of what my children are up to & now I find that Kew is on there too! Easily confused me!
Pity the computer monitor can't do fragrance to go with a picture. Or perhaps not in this case!
Oooer, what a whopper!
What a pity we don't have smell-o-blog! :)
I'm handing out the gas masks as I write ;)
Ms B - yes, but at least Kew doesn't mind if you go through all its photos to see if it smokes
I am determined to smell it this time and will report back on the frgrance hoepfully at the end of the week. They reckon it will flower thursday possibly. HURRAY!
That is rather large!! lol!
I don't think I would want to smell it though. Emma you are crazy! Take a gas mask for sure!
This figures high on my 'Don't Want' list.
I love the idea of a don't want list...
A really repellent smell is almost as attracting as a really delicious one isnt it...or is it just me?
I hope the mention on Esther's Boring Garden Blog is ok. (July 24th 2009). If not, I'll change it.
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