You may not know quite how much I enjoy it when a banned article makes it into an RHS show. I can't help it, I just love it when I see a gnome gracing a show stand. As a result, this sight made me beam with joy at this week's Winter wonderland at Vincent Square. (We were actually asked to vote for our favourite stand and I was about to write down Trevor Wood's incredibly tasteful, beautiful, evocative willow display, and then I revealed my inner cheap and nastiness and just went for the illegal gnomes/succulents instead.)
Here is Trevor "Gandalf" Wood's lovely mouse assistant. And look at those incredibly tasteful, beautiful teazels and catkins in the background though.... mmmm....
There were some other purely beautiful things on display, so don't worry if you prefer your taste "good", I'm not going to make you look at tons of pictures of gnomes. Like this gorgeous white amaryllis, "Christmas Gift":
and this fantastic green and burgundy striped 'skinny' amaryllis which looks more like a weird orchid to me, except for those long stamens, and the colours reminding me of species gladioli I saw this spring at Wisley:

I think this is the Wizard of Ye Botanic Nursery. He looks slightly harried. I think Snow White might have been hassling him a bit to be honest.
A very pretty businesslady negotiating to corner the world market in Poinsettia futures ("Buy, buy!" she's yelling down the phone to Tokyo.)
Trehane Camellias had hung little glass ornaments in some of the camellias, so there were these jewelled colours, however the owner surpassed herself by adding this amazing emerald outfit. What a colour combination, i just loved it:
The rock upon which my blog is founded, Sir Joseph Swift: he is having a little chat to the reindeer who runs Pennard Plants about their rare veg seeds. (I bought a packet of cold-proof lettuce called "Winter Density" from them, it has a picture of a polar bear in a deckchair on the front.)
My award for the best outfit: Mike Park, botanical and horticultural bookseller, with his terribly pretty sister.
I loved Mike Park and his sister: they were my personal favourites. Thank you so much for coming with me to the show, I really enjoyed it. My weird 'Emerald' amaryllis has now opened up and it looks fantastic. I must post a pic.
Sir Joseph Swift is telling the following joke to the red-nosed one..
What do reindeer always say before telling you a joke?
This one will "sleigh" you!
Ho! ho! ho! How the reindeer laughed at that one..........
Where are the sheds woman, where are the sheds?
god, you know there is such thing as a shednag you know
Next year I'll post a picture of Bath Xmas Market especially for Alex. At night they look all magical and gorgeous. In the daytime you can see they're all sheds, 100s of them.
Thanks so much for sharing your visit. It has reminded me that I need to buy some Amarylis for adorn my living room.
If you want teasals - I have massed of seedlings and am now trying to find home for them apart from the compost bin!!!!!!
And now you have reminded me to go and get my amaryllis bulbs from out the cold so that they will get on with flowering in the new year!
Emma x
You know, you just can't find an event like this around here. More's the pity. I loved the cacti in Santa hats.
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