This is just a quick post to say thank you to everyone who has participated in the Emsworth Online Village Show, and that includes everyone who has visited, about fifteen hundred visits so far in the three weeks it's been up. But most of all I want to thank the competitors, without whom it would be a load of pants.
Secondly, about a month ago I said I would give away a copy of Dan Hinckley's new book - I finally got round to putting the names in a hat and the winner is New Shoot, not because of her sore tooth but because of the laws of chance. So congratulations and I hope she likes the book, I'm absolutely sure she will.
Anyway it looks as if we might have one of those gorgeous, unforgettable September gardening weekends to get on with some digging and cutting back and tidying, and I wish everyone a really nice weekend!
I'm afraid that you might have lumbered yourself with doing this every year!! Well done though
Are you open to bribes?
Just checking...
PS My word verifciation is 'enemema' for some reason this reminds me of 'Ulrika-ka-ka'
Emm - are you still with us? Been very very quiet lately. Hope all is well
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