Here at Swift HQ we are becoming increasingly concerned about the support being given to the Wilson candidature.
Anyone with eyes can see why votes could be cast for Wilson. He's a veritable hottie. And, we have to admit, he knows his stuff.
But let's think about the long-term implications of a Wilson victory. It is literally impossible to concentrate when he is on TV.
Now admittedly, some gardeners are male, and a percentage of these will be immune to the "Wilson Effect".
What about the fairer sex though? I foresee summers of untied-in sweet peas, un-pricked-out seedlings, and borders going entirely unmulched as the female nation swoons over Wilson, failing to heed any of his helpful garden advice.
Dear readers, let me urge you:
A Vote for Wilson is A Vote for Not Concentrating.
A Vote for Wilson is A Vote For Horticultural Disaster.
Vote Swift!