Salpiglossis sinuata "Bolero"
OOPS! I completely forgot to mention my trip to Wales. But as I have just realised that there is no Gardeners' World, again, I don't suppose I'll actually get in trouble for posting a few pix of a very nice garden visit.
Now, okay, it does take a little while to get there. (And while people are prepared to troll down to Cornwall for Eden, they seem to be much less willing to tackle the M4 for the BGOW.)
But on the upside, it's a long straight road the entire way, apart from the last mile. And you pass M&S services along almost the entire route. And it has some spectacular infrastructure to gawp at- come on, admit it.

Bold Lucifer - just to prove it's not Eden (geddit?)
It's surprising to find a botanic garden that eschews neat rows of plants, but Wales just isn't like that. First, they took us to see a medicinal garden that included herbs written about in Druidical ceremonies (a certain Gold medal-winning garden designer took copious notes about that - perhaps considering a Getafix-style potion as a good luck charm for Chelsea 2009?).
A beautiful, softly-planted order bed garden shows off the latest taxonomic knowledge without losing any elegance. Drifts of agapanthus, allium and kniphofia in the Monocot beds, all blending so cleverly.
In another bed, hot oranges and yellows from Alstroemerias and daylilies.
And here, palms (they're monocots too) provide an exotic backdrop for turk's head lilies and others I don't recognise!
A swoopingly stylish pond in lead in their tropical house.

Outdoors, a chain of eighteenth-century ponds finish in this deftly-balanced bog garden, with stately gunnera poised above many different leaves. Look how well the silvery willow works above, too.
Then we came to the most beautiful meadows (where is Stag Beetle Boy when you want him?) overlooking the land that falls away towards a 500 acre organically-managed farm, now being set aside as working nature reserve.
Look at the variety of things growing in here - Lychnis, Oenothera, Verbascum - even peonies in spring. When they divide the herbaceous borders, they put whatever they don't need in the meadow. It works very, very well, as everywhere you look there are surprising dots of colour.
And best of all? You get to go round by CHIP FAT POWERED comical train!!!!
Oh - with all that meadowing about, did I forget to mention there's a Norman Foster glasshouse?
With South African-y, Mediterranean-y floras from around the world? (These are proteas.)

And what about this totally James Bond quarry? The scale of the indoor space is something else.
All in all, I thought it was a beautiful, modest, natural, tawny meadowy sort of a place, with great big ancient oak trees and stuff you'd never get in the wild clay pits of St Austell. It's not brash and bold like Eden, but I like that. Subtle, gentle, unostentatious. Anyway - if you fancy a real proper trip, this is a good one.