So I managed somehow this week to avoid noticing the absolutely remarkable news that the
ten thousandth visit had been made to this top-quality blog.
This is really amazing to me and I can't quite believe it. It makes me feel really happy!
I would like to thank totally all of you who have ever visited for putting up with all the twaddle and for not commenting too joyously every time service is interrupted.
To acknowledge my starting inspiration in this endeavour, and the guiding light who keeps me going even through the darkest hours, I am posting this tribute picture from my own collection. Which i may have ahem customised slightly.
i would also like to thank VP, the Garden Monkey, James A-S, Arabella Sock, Alex from Shedworking, Victoria, Zoe, Matthew Wilson, Yolanda, Pete Free, Lila, Karen the artist, the constant gardener, Anonjan, Esther, Julia, Colleen, Jane P, everyone else who comments on the blog, and everyone who sent their stuff in for the fĂȘte, which was incredibly exhausting but also really fun. Pur-lease don't make me do it again this year.