Forget moping about Darce taking himself off the market permanently and check out this great site, which we could have done with at the beginning of the summer, frankly, here in cosmopolitan Ealing. Now I am in full possession of this document I will finally be able to speak about the incessant rain to all my neighbours, including the Polish family who've just moved in over the fence from my allotment (Leje zabami jak z cebra), the Greeks who live on the corner (Brekhei kareklopodara), and the nice Hindi man who runs the internet cafe (Bāriś bahut ho rahi hai).
Self-evidently, though, the person I can't wait to see is my friend Emma Lundin who speaks Norwegian.
Self-evidently, though, the person I can't wait to see is my friend Emma Lundin who speaks Norwegian.
Ah, it's always good to видеть хорошую сторону чего-л
In view of Darce's impending nuptials, our Spanish friends have the bon mot for the occasion:
Estan lloviendo hasta maridos
I think I like the Czech one best - very apt for gardeners!
The expression 'It's raining Elephants and giraffes' is one that has completely passed me by: through my ignorance I have missed so many opportunities. I am bereft.
I have to say I've never heard the one about the maridos in Spanish. It sounds suspect to me...
Alex - according to my friend Maria from Galicia, it's pukka.
I think some of the others may have got lost in translation though.
It's a bit like describing moths as Mariposas del Noche. We thought we were saying butterflies of the night, but actually it means prostitute.
I can't compete with actual natives who actually know the language. Well, I can, but they would win. I bow to and salute Maria's greater knowledge (and as she's from Galicia, she should also know all about rain).
I wonder though - does it actually refer to heavy rain or the possibility, a la weathergirls, that 'it's raining men'?
Do I detect a bucket theme? Yes I do. Fortunately we Dutch are far more original and let it rain pipe stems. Apparently we're the only ones. Must be a thing.
BTW re: Darce's impending nuptials: do cheer up, there's always divorce. ;-)
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