I don't know whether everyone else has already noticed this, but I logged in this morning to find a new feature on my toolbar, "Monetise". UGH!
So basically by pressing this I can start asking Google to put ads on my blog so that I can start raking in all my Baklava-related millions.
I knew there was a reason I'd started this blog! Apart from to express my love for Joe.
But the word Monetise practically makes me vomit. Sorry, but that's just how I feel. Is it a made-up word? I think I might just go in the other room and check if it's in the OED. In the meantime, ugh.
Yes, I've often wondered about that one! And I very much doubt whether the OED acknowledges it as a word, or ever will!!
Yes I am afraid everything comes down to money! Or does it really have to?
Certainly my blog is about my garden and other gardens. Except for some insite into my 6 year battle with Lyme Disease and getting well again inspite of HPA advice. But the health bits can be ignored unless visitirs get bitten by a tick then it's a useful read because the NHS are sure as hell not going to treat you on long term antibiotics until USA get their act together.
Sorry I digress but actually the controversay over treatment again is all down to big bucks so difficult to get away from money, don't like that other word either.
Firstly it was one of the 'adverts' for what you can do with your blog shown during the publication process, then there was a subtle reference to it at the bottom of the layout screen, now they've just made it a bit more 'in yer face'.
Any bets on what the next step will be?
I have always shied away from putting adverts on my blog, I just don't like the idea that people might think I'm simply blogging to make money from them.
I get quite a few emails too asking me to include adverts for on my blog. They get a short sharp, 'this is a advert free zone'. Only time I don't mind, is if someone asks to buy a picture. A publisher bought three!
Adverts, especially animated, musical and pop up types are my biggest bug bear on t'internet. I forsee a time when the internet will be so over run with adverts, it will just collapse.
I'm hoping for the end of capitalism as much as the next shedworker, but in the meantime my advice is to money up - you spend a lot of time and effort on the blog and if I click on your ad it's a way of encouraging you a little (and without any cost to me). You can always give the dosh to charity if you want. Or me.
The word verification is 'focush' so that's surely a sign.
I like the charity idea Alex.
Yeah, I have made a mental note to click on more of Alex's ads. And to say, congratulations to zoe for selling photos, I'm not surprised people want them they are goooorrrrrgeous.
Would you have preferred "commercialize"? It is more accurate. I actually find the term "monetize" very amusing (but then I have a warped sense of humor). It is annoying to have that button there. I'm afraid I'll accidently hit it someday. (I have been known to "miss" with my aim.) If I wanted to "monetize" my blog, I would have already done so!
There's certainly nothing wrong with using a blog to make money, or having one as part of your profession.
I'm with you however, the idea of 'monitising' is ever so slightly repulsive. Like push this button here, and Google will do all the work to make you rich.
In my opinion, having ads on your blog is really an inefficient way to make money. The amount of money each of us could earn this way is not that much, certainly not enough to live on, and you're going to lose readers if your blog is too full of crap.
Monetise set my teeth on edge and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up - how long before they try and force us to use it?
I will NOT have adverts on my blog- if I want more rubbish, crap and waffle I'll do it myself thank you very much!!!
I have a feeling that the people who have a few classy Amazon choices down the side of the page are probably going to make more money than you do from Amazon ads. But I bet the best money-making idea would just be to stop blogging and get a part-time job in the pub with all the free time I would suddenly have....
ooops i mean "from google ads" obviously, not "from Amazon ads"
A job? bliddy hell that's a bid radical! Steady on old girl.
Actually, I need a job, spend way to much time contemplating my navel.
What do you reckon I should try for?
In a moment of weakness (ok greed)I put google ads on my blog when I started it in the expectation of watching the dosh roll in and putting my feet up for an early retirement. Since then it's made me the grand total of 30 dollars. Google won't cough up till it reaches 100 so I've got the dilemma of waiting another ten years or chucking it in and letting them keep the 30. Only got myself to blame of course. Monetise my arse. Bastards.
see, to me that is just outrageous. So basically they persuade you to have ads, but they won't pay you until you reach an absolutely massive sum? That is just evil. Even Amazon associates will pay you when you earn over (i think it's) about £10 a quarter!
I think Simon makes a good point. I read through the AdSense stuff, just out of interest, and the system seems far from transparent. Maybe it's just my pea-sized brain, but I think they'd have to make things far more straightforward to entice me - even if it was for charity. Strangely enough, the word verification is 'admant'
Well, it is outrageous in a sense, but if you can get enough visitors, then it does start to pay out. I'm not retiring on what I make from Adsense, but I do make a significant proportion of my annual income from it (of course a significant proportion of a freelance journalist's annual income isn't that hot to start off with).
Am with you on 'monetise' - it is in the currnet running for most irritating word of 2009. 2008's winner had to be 'medal' as a verb. Talk of 'medalling' at the Olympics simply brought to mind the idea that these mischevious atheletes were somehow tampering with this great sporting event.
I find I'm about to comment on the comments . . .
Zoe - I didn't know you sold some of your photos. I'm really very pleased because your photos are exceptional.
Mr McGregor's Daughter - I agree about it being a funny word (in the amusing, rather than peculiar sense). The first time I came across it was on Feedburner (help!) where it went along with 'publicise' and other 'ise' words so I took it to be a joke.
VP - if I understand your jist - I've been thinking for a while now that Google has been creeping towards putting adverts on all our blogs. It may also be that they will distinguish between those who choose to have adverts and, therefore, get money for them . . . and those who don't - so the adverts will be seen the other way round, as payment for being able to use blogger for 'free'.
Hi Emma!
Esther's Boring Garden Blog
I don't think Google will ever force you to have ads on your blog, that's just not how they work - they're suggestive rather than coercive. And of course, if they did you could just transfer to wordpress or typepad, etc.
Considering that I learned from a VP post that my blog is worth absolutely nothing...I can't imagine that it could be monetized at all!
I am ready to move to Word Press if google tries to 'force' advertising...so would many folks.
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