Roll some more imaginary, in-your-head, music!
This time it's Pom, pom, pom, po-po-poppy-poppy-pom
That's the floral dance!
This photo is actually from that regular contributor, 'my mum', who is as usual hanging out at Flora Day. The 8th May is an important event in the calendar of Helston, Cornwall, as all the shops and houses get covered in spring flowers ready for the dancers to come through the streets. It starts at 7am, and my mum likes to get there for the first dance, but she just emailed me this one of the Nationwide Building Society that I rather liked and thought...
what a nice picture for a Friday afternoon.
Despite what it might look like in the photo, all the flowers are real, these are laurel leaves, I think and bluebells, of course; it's usually a combination of those two with whatever else can be found mixed in.
Anyway if you're ever down that way for the 8th May, don't miss Flora Day.
Although, stop press, according to the BBC, they have banned alcohol this year because of an incident last year down by the boating lake. (I told my mum she shouldn't start drinking so early, but she wouldn't listen.)
Thompson and Morgan, I just noticed, are having 50% off all their remaining veg seeds till midnight on the 14th. Get along and order the last few things you were fancying. (I am annoyed as I ordered a packet of Tigerella from them literally yesterday, grr.....)
how fab....looks like a tardis too!
Is Flora day they do the Helston Furry Dance?
I had a map on my wall when I was little of all kinds of things you can see and visit in the UK and Helston's Furry Dance was on there.
It wasn't until I met NAH that I dound out that Helston had other goodies like Spingo beer and proximity to the lovely seal sanctuary at Gweek.
That's so pretty. Although I do now have Terry Wogan singing floral dance in my head, which isn't so pretty.
Oh I could have given you some Tigerella seedlings - threw my excess yesterday
Hi Emma,
been enjoying looking at your blog again. And if it makes you feel any better, I made the same mistake with asparagus on my London allotment ten or so years ago, with even LESS of a yield. Shame it put me off growing it again, as if I had persevered I could be eating the stuff every day, fresh cut from the garden now!
I was just wondering: some friends said they saw a pic of my London garden in the Independent at the weekend - I did not get the papers and was just wondering, was that your column?
xx Elspeth
I have just discovered this site and subsequently your posts at the independant (which will take me hours to work my way though as I find them all so interesting). I am so enjoying myself. Great job, am adding you to my blogroll.
I have a strange feeling that, if not totally avoided, the finanacial crisis could have been made more acceptable if all banks and building socieites were festooned in flowers.
Thanks Rochelle, and littlegreenfingers, that is a brainwave. Constant gardener, well ain't that just the way about the Tigerella...
elspeth I will message you on your blog
My grandfather's brother farmed near Helston and I remember photos of my cousin dancing in the flurry dance (as I thought it was!), white dress and flowers . . .
P.S. Photos of me were more prosaic - welly boots and dungarees as a two year old in a cow field. Have never been a romantic! (At least, not the flowery version.)
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