I know these are a favourite of Martyn Cox who seems to have been away on holiday for weeks at the moment. I'm just very much enjoying that they got over the bad winter, and that they sent up more flowers than last year.....
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a handsome man in possession of a plethora of horticultural knowledge, must be in want of a small Greek pastry.
I bought 2 'Octopus' from Parkers. They have lovely spotty leaves, so lovely that the slugs have climbed into my coldframe and have had quite a feast :(
I'm still smitten though...
I love these though we don't have them in our garden anymore. Must find out why.
Most of my eucomis are looking WONDERFUL at the moment, but I can't find any 'Sparkling Burgundy'. I used to have a few in pots, but have just been outside to check and can't see them anywhere. I think I may have unwittingly sold them at my garden open day. D'uh!!
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