Thursday 17 July 2008


Anonymous garden bloggers and rock'n'roll's Ronnie Wood were revealed to have one important thing in common this evening: they both find it hard to give up the forbidden fruit. 

I had just been beginning to think myself that life had got awfully boring since I gave up the unnameable "sauce", plus I am drearily sickerella of Hamptons akimbo.

I am wondering whether we have now entered into the summer media doldrums. I am desperately hoping that some modicum of jolly frivolity may be restored when James A-S returns from holiday in the next few days. (He even locked his comments before leaving, so I can't even moan about him being away.)

In the meantime, I suggest that those gardeners with substance problems that have become unmanageable check themselves into Felley, MichelhamHodsock or Ardchattan


Anonymous said...

Stay firm. I have this kind of quandary all the time but you have to really stay strong if you want to be thin.

VP said...

All together now -

'You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar when I met you...'